Friday, January 9, 2009


Some sad news earlier this week for lovers of fine china: Waterford Wedgwood - the makers of luxury crystal and glassware products - has filed for bankruptcy protection. Citing the current economic climate and credit crunch as the reasons for taking this action, Waterford Wedgwood has taken vowed to continue operations while seeking a buyer. No doubt, the company's 7,700 employees worldwide cannot feel too comfortable with this vow in a climate like the present.

Like many companies going out of business, Waterford Wedgwood has been the target of counterfeiters who could foist fake glass and crystal to the public. In good times, counterfeiters are an expensive nuisance to companies like Waterford Wedgwood. Not only do counterfeiters cost companies sales, but companies also must enforce their brand by hiring investigators and lawyers to go after the counterfeiters. These actions can typically cost a company like Waterford Wedgwood tens of thousands of dollars each year. And if companies don't spend this money, counterfeiters can then counterfeit with impunity, decreasing profit margins even more. In the current economy, careers can be as fragile as crystal. For Waterford Wedgwood's employees, the nudge from counterfeiters could leave their jobs and lives shattered.

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